Title: Too much to say...
=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Dear Mana...
I have so much to tell you that I don't know where to start. Every time I repeat my tales... It'll show my weakness... The thing I hate the most (Mind you it's thing, not crime.) is WEAKLING! I hate showing my weakness or been a weakling. Anyway, I hate showing my weakness as it makes me feel vulnerable. I hate been helpless and useless and weak!
If only... If only I could never feel any pain or be hurt. If only I'm strong enough to protect everyone... The weak (although I hate them), my loved ones (although they are weak), etc.
I wish to be a princess. Enclosed and protected yet, strong and free. Complicated huh?! I know... But, isn't been random also a part of me?
There is so much I want to say... There is so much i want to share... Yet, who should I tell? Where should I cry? Where should I hid? Which part of my story should I share? None... None but me, myself and... maybe you too, Mana chan...
That's how I become independent... That's how I become strong... That's how I take care of myself... Ever since I was young... And... That's why... I don't believe in love...
I don't really know where to start but... At least with you, Mana chan... I'll be strong.
To be continue...
=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Xx~Flying without wings~xX
YVONNE の 龍姫様 @ 10:40 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>