Title: Back from Malaysia(JB/KL) Study Trip
=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Dear Mana...
HAHA!!! I'm back from my study trip! It was fun! Went to Iskandar Regional Development Authority, Yeo Hiap Seng (YEO's -KL), Zouk Club KL and Bursa Malaysia (KL Stock Exchange)!!!
Really benefited alot from this 3D2N trip. Shopped alot too! Brought 1 piece of shirt from Factory Outlet.

Wash it last night. Hanging it in balcony~~
My shoes aka slippers from Mega mall departmental store. A last minute buy due to aching from my heels from 2 whole days. A simple white elegant slippers. Not showing it. Lolz~~ Chosen by Kelyn, one of my friends aka classmate aka roommate for the trip. Damn Chio!
Before the trip, a 2/3 filled trolley bag and a handbag. After the trip? I exploding trolley bag, 2 huge paper bags and a fat handbag. HAHA... Damn funny. Guess what? The paper bags are all food stuff for my close piggy friends. None halas friends cause they turned into a pig from my feeding. Lolz~~. Luckily, someone help me to carry my stuffs home.
Thanks! Thus, this is the ending of my latest news.
Anyway, I know I have been lazy and not postings. Many complained to me both 1-1, personally, using my chatbox too. Haha. Ok, I'll be updating it regularly, the least? once a month? Ok?
=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Xx~Flying without wings~xX
YVONNE の 龍姫様 @ 7:26 PM$BlogItemDateTime$>