Title: Chinese New Year's Eve!!!
=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Dear Mana...
Yeah!!! CNY is coming here in a few more hours!
This hot and stuffy afternoon I went to Chinatown in Singapore for a quick shopping of shoes.
Can you guess which shop she went to buy her precious shoes?
DMK!!! I mean whatever! She can buy it from any outlets in Singapore and not Chinatown which is damn far from her place. I guess the hot and stuffy plus, the huge crowds of insignificant humans makes me so irritated. Sorry for the frustration
Anyway, back to my thoughts... I took a few pics there during the walk in the crowds.
Here is it:

Pictures of Chinese Lions~~ Kawaii isn’t it? I find it unique anyway!

Chinese rice cake! Whao! So big! So sweet! Diabetes! Lolz~~
For those who love this delicacy, please don’t eat too much or too fast!
You’ll be come sick if you eat too much and you may chock on it if you eat too fast! Lolz~~ It’s so big! I actually feel a bit sick just from looking at it.
Actually this is supposed to be published on 6 Feb 2008 but, there seems to be something wrong with my internet connection…
All my It things seems to be breaking down every now and then…
This sucks!!!
What the hell is happening!!! Why are these happening to me! I hate it!
I wouldn’t face reality! It’s perfect! All my fav. things are perfect!!!
I think I’m still facing reality!!! That’s why my depression is getting more serious… HAHA!!!
Anyway, till next time!
=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Xx~Flying without wings~xX