Title: Music...

=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Dear Mana...
Hey, I'm currently very into classical music. It's very additive like... you know drugs?
Anyway, if I've the chance I would like to learn tons of instruments!
When I was young, I would have say... Piano!
Now? Violin, Piano, Flute, Clarinet, Cello, Percussion, etc...
But, I think Singing will be the easiest for me due to the lack of funds...
Haha... No financial support, no chance...
I also thought of going to art school or those special school when I was young but, as you can see...
Money really does makes the world go round. It do matters.
Money may not be everything but noone can live witout it to survive in this reality.
HAHA! Back to the topic. If you had the chance to, which instrument would you like to learn the most?
=.¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸. .¸¸.·´¨»«´¨·. ¸¸.=
Xx~Flying without wings~xX
YVONNE の 龍姫様 @ 12:06 AM$BlogItemDateTime$>